of Inter. under the title »Archaeological
excavations at Kukulik» (Washington 1936).
1931. Kobayashi,
Yoshio, obtained during June to August a collection at Unalaska,
Umnak I., Atka I., Amchitka I. and Attu I. The specimens are in
Sapporo and were published by TATEWAKI and TAKAHASHI together with their
own collection. KOBAYASHI published a paper »On the natives
and plants of the Aleutian Islands (Jap. Journ. Bot. 10. 1934).
His Juncus species were published by SATAKE (Bot. Mag. Tokyo
46, 1932).
1931. Mason,
Herbert L., Professor of Botany at the Univ. of Calif., obtained
a collection of plants on a journey to the arctic coast of Alaska in 1931.
Specimens in Univ. of Calif., a few duplicates in other herbaria.
The following places were visited: May 24-25 Dolgoi I. (near Bjelkovsky);
May 30 Unalaska; June 26 and July 9 Sevoonga, St. Lawrence I.; July 12
Naskuk Lagoon, St. Lawrence I.; July 17 Rocky Pt. Norton Sd; Aug. 31 Cape
Norberg, Ingvar L., from Tromsø, Norway, during
his stay at Akutan Whaling station and at various canneries on the Alaskan
coast collected a fairly large number of beautifully prepared plants.
They are in Tromsø Museum, duplicates in the author's herb., in
Oslo, Berlin, Kew, Brit. Mus., Geneva, Lund, Stockholm, Washington, New
York, Calif. Acad. Stanford and in his own herbarium. In 1931 and
1934 he collected at Akutan, in 1932 at Hoonah, in 1937-1938 at Orca and
on Hinchinbrook I. and in 1939-40 at Craig.
1932. Finch,
R. H., volcanologist of the U. S. Geol. Survey, collected single
specimens at False Pass in May 1932.
1932. Kaye,
David, collected single specimens of Salix in the Mt
McKinley Park in July 1932. Specimens in Univ. of Calif.
1932. Henderson,
L. T., collected a few plants in S. E. Alaska in July 1932.
Bay of Pillars, Kuiu I. and Seward were visited. Specimens in Nat.
Herb., Washington.
1932. Dixon,
J., obtained a small collection at Mt McKinley Park in June 1932.
1932-1933. Goodman,
Fredric W., archdeacon, collected a few specimens at Pt Barrow
Aug. 19, 1932. In 1933 he collected at Pt Lay on Aug. 14.
Specimens in N. Y. Bot. Gard., Gray Herb. and Nat. Herb., Washington.
1932. The
Bayne-Beauchamp Expedition. I have seen specimens in the
herbarium of Univ. of Calif. labelled thus. They were collected
at Circle.