FRYE collected about 1000 specimens of mosses, lichens and algae in S.E. Alaska, while RIGG obtained a collection chiefly of cryptogams at Yakutat Bay, Prince William Sd and the Shumagin Is.  RIGG visited Alaska also in 1929, when he collected at Pillar Bay, Kuiu I in 1932, and probably in other years as well.  FOSTER collected bryophytes and lichens at Wrangell.   The collections are in Univ. of Washington.  A list of the lichens was included in a publication by HERRE (Publ. Puget Sound Biol. St. 2, 1919). FRYE published a paper »The kelp beds of southeast Alaska» in F. K. CAMERON, »Potash from Kelp» p. 60-104 (U. S. Dept. of Agricult. Rep. No. 100, 1914).  RIGG published three papers on Alaskan vegetation: »Notes on the Flora of some Alaskan Sphagnum Bogs» (Plant World 17, 1914); »The effect of the Katmai eruption on marine vegetation» (Science 40, 1914) and »Some raised bogs of southeastern Alaska with notes on flat bogs and muskegs» (Amer. Journ. Bot. 24, 1937).
        1913-1919.   Griggs, Robert Fiske, Professor of Botany at the George Washington Univ., took part as botanical collector in the U. S. Kelp Expedition under FRYE and RIGG in 1913.   He collected at the following places: June 4 Seldovia; June 8 Chinitna Bay (S. of lliamna Volcano); June 18 Ketchikan; June 21 Three Saints Bay; July 9 Port Chatham; July 20-25 Mitrofania Bay; July 31 Sand Pt.  In 1915-1919 Griggs was in charge of the Katmai Expeditions of the Nat. Geogr. Soc.
        Botanical collections were made by him and his assistants during these trips.  In 1915 he collected June 18 at Ketchikan, July 19 at Saluka Creek, Katmai, July 26 at Katmai vill., Aug. 9 at Pillar Mt, Kodiak.  In 1916 Griggs was accompanied by Donovan Baker Church and collections were made June 25 at Kodiak, July 19 and Aug. 5 at Saluka Creek, Katmai, and Aug. 27 at Womans Mt. Kodiak.   In 1917 and 1918 GRIGGS was accompanied by Poul Railey Hagelbarger and Jasper Dean Sayre, and collections were made in the Katmai region and at Naknek Rapids in August.  In 1919 his assistants were Edward August Miller and William Lewis Henning, and collections were made June 13 at Kodiak, June 24 between Savanoski and Ukak, June 29 at Naknek, July 13 at head of Naknek Lake and July 21 at Red Top Mt, Katmai region.    The collections are preserved at the Ohio State University, duplicates in Nat. Herb., Washington.  GRIGGS published accounts of the expeditions to Katmai in Nat. Geogr. Mag. 31, 1917, and 40, 1921 and in a book »The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes» Washington 1922).  He also published a number of


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