Nenana; Aug. 2-10 Fairbanks; Aug. 13
Koyukuk R.; Aug. 15 Kaltag, Nulato; Aug. 16 Anvik, Holy Cross; Aug. 18
St. Michael; Nome.
1909-1910. Jochelson,
V. I., ethnographer, obtained a small collection, now in Leningrad,
on the Aleutian Islands.
1909. Atwater,
C. B., collected at Seward Penins. Specimens in Gray Herb.
1909-1912. Eaton,
Dawid W., of the Alaskan Boundary Commission, engaged in surveying
the 141st Meridian, obtained a collection in the White R. valley near
the boundary in 1909. In June-Aug. 1910 he worked in Ladue Valley
at about 63° 30' and in 1912 on the 141st Meridian N. of Mt St. Elias.
The collections, about 250 specimens, are preserved in Nat.
Herb., Washington.
1910. Hahn,
Walter Louis, of the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, collected about
50 specimens, now in Nat. Herb., Washington, on St. Paul I. in August.
1910. Mylroie,
Ruth, obtained a collection, now in N. Y. Bot. Gard., at Kodiak.
She also collected bryophytes, of which a set of 50 specimens is in Nat.
Herb., Washington.
1910. Preble,
E. A., and Mixter, G., who collected plants
in the Cassiar distr., Brit. Columbia, obtained a few plants also in Alaska,
chiefly at Wrangell in July. Specimens in Nat. Herb., Washington.
1910-1917. Heath,
Harold, Professor of Zoloogy at Stanford Univ., collected in
1910 and 1917 on Pribilof Is. In 1913 he visited Forrester I. (off
Prince of Wales I.). His lichens were included in the paper
on Alaskan lichens by HERRE (Publ. Puget Sd. Biol. St. 2, 1919).
1910-1917. Gardner,
Nathaniel Lyon, obtained a collection of algae and a few phanerogams
at Skagway and Sitka in 1910 and 1917. Specimens in Univ. of Calif.
1910-l917. Clark,
Orah Dee, schoolteacher, obtained a collection of plants on a
trip Metlakatla-Ketchikan-Juneau-Skagway-White Pass-Whitehorse-Dawson-Circle-Fort
Yukon-Rampart-Tanana. She also collected at Anvik and at Anchorage.
Some of the specimens were sent to Univ. of Washington.
1911. Schmitt,
Waldo L., of the U. S. Nat. Mus., collected, together with FASSETT,
about 100 specimens around Chignik. June 11-13 he collected at Chignik
Lagoon; June 14-23 at Lower Chignik Lake; June 24-July 11 Chignik Lagoon;
July 11-12 between Chignik Lagoon and Upper Chignik Lake; July 13-17 Upper
Chignik Lake; July 19-Sept. 7 Chignik Lagoon.