1791 June 21-26 Tanaga I.; July 6-18 Unalaska; July 25 Hall I.; Aug. 1 St. Lawrence I.; Aug. 8-11 a place between Cape Nome and Pt Clarence. A report of the expedition was published by M. SAUER under the title »An account of a geographical and astronomical expedition . . . stretching to the American Coast . . . in the years 1785-94» (London 1802). (Several other editions and translations).
        1791.    Haenke, Thaddeus, and Nee, Luis, naturalists on Capt. MALASPINA’s expedition on board the ships Descubierta and Atrevida. HAENKE’s collections are preserved in Prague, NEE's in the Botanical Garden in Madrid. Only the following landing was made in Alaska: June 27-July 5 Port Mulgrave and Haenke I. in Yakutat Bay. HAENKE’s botanical collections were published by PRESL 1825-35 under the title Reliquae Haenkeanae. In this publication the Alaskan plants were not kept distinctly apart from the collections made at Nootka Sound, probably on account of fragmentary labelling of the specimens.
        1793-94.   Menzies, Archibald, surgeon, took part in the expedition of Capt. VANCOUVER on the ships Discovery and Chatham. Collections in British Museum. Landings were made July 21, 1793 at Salmon Cove, Observatory inlet, from where survey parties in small boats were sent out along the following route: July 24-Aug. 16 Portland Canal, Pearse Canal, Fillmore Inlet, Cape Fox, Nokat Inlet, Revillagigedo Channel, Boca de Quadra, Behm Canal, Clarence Strait to Portland Canal and back to Salmon Cove. Further landings were made Aug. 21-Sept. 5 at Port Stewart and Sept. 8-21 at Port Protection at the N. end of Prince of Wales I. April 12-May 15 1794 several places in Cook Inlet were visited and then up to June 20 several places in Prince William Sd, from where the ships proceeded to Port Althorp at the northern end of Chichagof I.   From there surveys were made in small boats July 7-29 along the following route: Cape Spencer, Taylor Bay, Dundas Bay, Point Carolus, Lemesurier I., Pleasant I., Lynn Canal, Chilkat Inlet, Chilkoot Inlet, Favorite Channel, Port Gardener, Chatham Strait, Icy Strait back to Port Althorp. Further landings were made July 31 at Port Conclusion on the E. shore of Baranof I., whence survey parties were sent out in the surroundings. The voyage was described by VANCOUVER in »Voyage of Discovery» (1798). In the few cases in which MENZIE’s plants are mentioned, detailed stations are not given. The report usually runs »N.W. Coast of America MENZIES».
        1805-1806.   Langsdorff, Georg Heinrich von, Russian Consul-General in Rio de Janeiro, and Tilesius, Wilhelm G., accompanied KRUSENSTERN on the circumnavigation of the world on Nadeschda and


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