1884. Hornemann, Dr., collected single specimens
at Cape Blossom in Kotzebue Sd.
1884. Winemann
(WEINMANN ?) collected a few specimens at Nushagak and in the Kuskokwim
valley in July 1884. They are kept in Gray Herb.
1884-85. McLenegan,
S. B., engineer. left the Revenue Cutter Corwin July 8 at Cape
Krusenstern and explored 185 miles up Kobuk R. He returned Aug. 30 and
explored Selawik Lake. In 1885 he left the Corwin at Hotham lnlet and
explored Noatak R. for about 250 miles. Reports of the cruise of the Revenue
Steamer Corwin in 1884 and 1885 with maps of the route were published
by Capt. HEALEY (Washington 1887 and 1888).
1885. Huff,
W. L., obtained at Hotham Inlet and Fort Cosmos a small collection
of plants, which is now in Nat. Herb., Washington.
1885. Applegate,
Samuel, weather observer at Unalaska. obtained a small collection
at Unalaska published by KNOWLTON (Bot. Gaz. 1886). Specimens in Nat.
Herb., Washington.
1885-86. Stoney,
George Morse, lieutenant, explored the valleys of the Kobuk,
Noatak and Selawik rivers as well as the upper Alatna and Colville rivers.
He wintered 150 miles up Kobuk R. at Fort Cosmos. About 200 specimens
of plants now in Nat. Herb., Washington were collected. In the labels
are mentioned Camp Retreat visited June 28, 1886, and Valley of Putnam
R. June 18, 1886. An account of the explorations was published under the
title »Naval Explorations in Alaska» (Washington, 1900).
1885-86. Howard,
W. L., ensign. accompanied STONEY and collected a few specimens
at Fort Cosmos.
Townsend, Charles Haskins, naturalist of the Revenue Steamer
Corwin in 1885 and of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross 1886-96,
made medium-sized collections of plants along the Alaskan coast. The specimens,
which are found in Nat. Herb., Washington, are often labelled Albatross.
In 1888 the Albatross visited Unalaska, Shumagin Is (Humbolt Hbr), Kodiak
(Eagle Hbr) and Middleton I. In 1890 Unalaska and the N. coast of Alaska
Penins. (Herendeen Bay, Port Moller) were surveyed, in 1893 the Shumagin
Is, the Aleutians (Akutan, Unalaska, Adak) and the Pribilof Is were visited
and in July 1894 the Pribilof Is.
1886. Wright,
Frederick G., a minister, of Andover, Mass. Obtained a small
collection of 31 species at Glacier Bay. They were de-