1925. Miller, W. B., collected a few specimens,
now in Nat. Herb., Washington, at Umnak I., at Cheenik July 27, 1925 and
at Unalaklet R. Aug. 10, 1925. On July 5, 1928 he collected at Pastolik,
on June 23, 1929 at Nome, on July 13 at Nunivak I., on June 23, 1930 at
Napamute, on July 20 at Quithlook Range, on July 29 at Akiak and on May
25, 1933 at »Quitlook Range near Tagiak Camp».
1926. Mayer,
E. G., Mrs., collected a few plants at Hyder.
1926. Porsild,
A. Erling, and Porsild, Robert Thorbjørn,
collected about 6000 specimens of plants during reindeer investigations
in Alaska 1926. The specimens are preserved in Ottawa, duplicates
in Gray Herb., in Riksmuseum, Stockholm, in the author's herb, and probably
in other herbaria. The following places were visited: June
2 Seward; June 5 Anchorage, where L. J. PALMER joined the expedition;
June 8 Cantwell; June 11-16 Fairbanks with excursion June 13 to »Goldstream
Creek & Pedro Dome»; from Fairbanks R. T. Porsild went to Kokrines,
where he collected in the mountains and joined the others on July 16 at
Pastolik; July 18 Healey; July 22 Fairbanks; July 24-26 Fairbanks-Paxon’s;
July 26-28 Paxon’s-Fairbanks; July 1-11 Nenana-Pastolik; July 11-16
Pastolik; July 16-Aug. 1 Pastolik-along the coast-Nome, where Palmer left
the expedition; Aug. 13-19 Little Diomede I.; end of October-December
19 Buckland R.; Dec. 19-Febr. 17 Buckland R.-Kotzebue-Noatak R.-Kotzebue-Pt
Barrow; March 1-April 9 Pt Barrow-Aklavik (Mackenzie R.). A report
of the expedition with a map of the route is found in »Reindeer
grazing in Northwest Canada», Dept. of the Inter., N.W. Terr. and
Yukon Branch, Ottawa 1926, and another in Geogr. Journ. vol. 88: 1, 1936.
The collection from Little Diomede I. was published by A. E. Porsild separately
in Transact. Roy. Soc. Canada Ser. 3, sect. 5, vol. 32 (Ottawa 1938) and
the entire collection of vascular plants in Rhodora 41 (1939) under the
title »Contributions to the flora of Alaska».
1926. Harshberger,
John W., Dr., Professor of Botany at the Univ. of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, collected a few plants on a trip to Alaska in 1926.
He collected July 30 N. of Fairbanks and Aug. 10 at Cordova. He
published a small paper »The forests of the Pacific Coasts of British
Columbia and Southeastern Alaska» (Acta Forestalia fennica 34, Helsinki
1926. Mackie,
R. P., Mrs., collected a few plants at Mt McKinley Park in August.