1911. Dice, L. R., collected single specimens,
now in Nat. Herb., Washington, near Tanana.
1911. McKechnie,
Frederick B., accompanied an expedition under the auspices of
the U. S. National Museum to Ketchikan, the Aleutian Is, the Pribilof
Is and Nome. A list of 34 species of lichens collected on
that trip was published by R. H. HOWE.
1911. Wetmore,
Alexander, director of the U. S. Nat. Mus., collected about 160
numbers, now in Nat. Herb., Washington, on Alaska Penins. and the Aleutian
Islands. The following places were visited: Chernovsky Unalaska
I.; June 10-11 Atka; June 15 Kiska; June 18 Sarannaja Bay, Attu I.; June
22-23 Tanaga I.; June 25 Adak I.; June 26-July 7 Unalaska; July 14 King
Cove; July 26 Morzhovoi Bay.
1911-1913. Cairnes,
Donaldson Delorme, geologist. of the Canad. Geol. Surv., obtained
a small collection in Yukon, chiefly along Porcupine R., Black R., Nation
R. and White R. The following places are mentioned in his
labels: July 4, 1911 Runt Creek; July 19, 1911 N. of Stony Fork, Black
R.; Aug. 16 Klotassin area. A list of the plants collected in 1911
was published by MACOUN in Geol. Surv. Canada, Dept. of Mines, Summ. Rep.
1911 and those collected 1912 in the same publication for the year 1912.
1912. Pope, M. W., and Jesup, J.
M., both of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, collected a
few plants along the 141st Meridian near the Arctic Shore. Specimens
in Nat. Herb., Washington. A list of their plants was published
by J. M. MACOUN in Summ. rep. Geol. Surv. Canada 1911 (Ottawa 1912) and
in Geogr. Surv. Canada Mem. 67 (Ottawa 1914).
1912. Wigle,
W. G., collected single specimens. preserved in Nat. Herb., Washington,
at Ketchikan.
1912-1914. Whitney,
A. G., obtained a small collection, now in Nat. Herb., Washington,
at St. Paul I.
1913. Inouye,
took part in a trip arranged by the Twelfth Internat. Meeting of Soil
Invest. at Toronto and obtained a small collection between Aug. 14 and
Oct. 5 in S.E. Alaska and adjacent Yukon. Specimens in Tokyo.
A list of the plants was published by KOIDZUMI (Bot. Mag., Tokyo, 30,
1916 p. 68-69).
1913. Lambert,
H. F., collected a few specimens at Klutlan glacier at the head
of White R. in August.
1913. Frye,
Theodore Christian, and Rigg, George Burton,
both Professors of Botany at the Univ. of Washington, and Foster,
A. S., were all members of the U. S. K e l p E x
p e d i t i o n to Alaska.