1892.   Coulter, Arthur B., collected in Alaska for the Field Museum in Chicago.
        1892.   Evermann, Barton Warren, director of the Museum of Calif. Acad. Sc., collected about 275 specimens in Alaska. He visited Unalaska in June and July, the Pribilof Is, Sitka Aug. 13-14 and Departure Bay Aug. 23. Collections in Nat. Herb., Washington.
        1892-94.   Jackson, Sheldon, Presbyterian missionary, collected a few plants at St. Michael in June 1892 and at Seward Penins. in 1894. They are found in Nat. Herb., Washington.
        1892-94.   Funston, Frederick, of the U. S. Dept. of Agricult., collected in 1892 a large number of plants at Yakutat Bay, where he stayed from May 19 to Sept. 4. In 1893 he returned to Alaska and arrived at Juneau April 8. He proceeded to Chilkat Inlet and over Chilkat Pass to Lake Tagish, which he left on April 20. Between May 23 and Aug. 25 he stayed at Forty Mile Creek, collecting plants.  On Julv 30 he collected at Coal Creek Hill.  He then proceeded to the mouth of Porcupine R., which he followed up to the Hudson Bay Company's trading post Rampart House, where he arrived Sept. 23 and where he wintered.  In the winter he made a trip on snowshoes to Peel R. and Hershel I.  June 18, 1894 he left Rampart House and drifted down Porcupine R. to Fort Yukon, where he left the collections obtained at Rampart House. July 3 he started down the Yukon in a small boat. On Aug. 17 near Andreafski the boat was upset and the new collections lost, but he succeeded in saving the boat; he continued the journey and arrived at Kotlik Aug. 21.  From there he proceeded to St. Michael, where he collected plants.  His collections are in Nat. Herb., Washington. Funston’s collection from Yakutat Bay was published by COVILLE under the title »Botany of Yakutat Bay, Alaska» (Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 3. 1895).  A field report by FUNSTON himself is also included therein.
        1893-1902.   Gorman, Martin Woodlock, collected in 1893 and 1894 at Yes Bay, Short Bay, Spacious Bay and Sheeshook Lake. In 1895 he returned and together with T. HOWELL collected at Loring, Yes Bay, Back Bay, Short Bay and Bailey Bay.  Of these collections about 225 specimens are in Nat. Herb., Washington.  Duplicates are found in other museums.  In December 1898 GORMAN started again for Alaska from Seattle.  He went by steamer to Skagway, then over White Pass to Dawson, where he arrived Febr. 7, 1899, and back to Fort Selkirk.  He left Fort Selkirk March 24 and went up White R., but returned to Fort Selkirk, where he arrived April 20.  He col-


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