(Cambridge 1936). Several of the plants
reported in this paper do not, however, occur in Alaska. Another manuscript
(of 7 pages) »Catalogus seminum anno 1741 in America septentrionali
sub gradu latitudinis 59 et 55 collectorum, quorum dimidia pars die 17
nov. 1742 transmissa» is also found in Arkhiv Konferentsia, Leningrad
(Bundle 13 C, Lit. L. No 7). Twenty species are mentioned in that manuscript.
After the death of STELLER an account of the journey was printed from
his manuscripts under the title »Reise von Kamtchatka nach Amerika
mit dem Commandeur-Capitan BERING» (St. Petersb. 1793, also in Neue
Nord. Beytrage 5 pp. 129-236 and 6 pp. 1-26 Leipzig 1795.), translated
into English in the highly detailed account of BERING's expedition given
by GOLDER in »BERlNG's Voyages» (Amer. Geogr. Soc., Research
series No. 1 and 2, New York 1922 and 1925). STELLER’s botanical
collections from Alaska seem to have been lost. Only a few species were
mentioned by PALLAS in a note in Neue Nord. Beytrage 2, 1781 p. 300.
CROYERE accompanied Capt. CHIRIKOFF
on the ship St. Paul, which was separated from St. Peter by a storm and
reached Alaska at a place near the mouth of Cross Sound, and then returned
to Petropavlovsk in Kamtchatka. CROYERE died from scurvy the day after
his arrival at Petropavlovsk and nothing is known about his collections.
1778. Anderson,
William, surgeon and naturalist on Capt. COOK’s expeditions,
and Nelson, David, gardener at Kew, accompanied COOK’s
third expedition on board the ships Resolution and Discovery. ANDERSON
died in Alaskan waters on Aug. 3rd, 1778. NELSON’S collections were,
at least in part, given to BANKS and are now in the British Museum. The
following landings were made in Alaska: May 11 Kayak I.; May 12 N. of
Cape Hinchinbrook; May 13-20 several places in Prince William Sd; May
25-June 6 Cook Inlet with landing at at least one place, viz. S. entrance
to Turnagain Arm; June 26 E. end of Unalaska I.; June 28-July 2 Samganuda
harbour, Unalaska I. opposite Unalga I.); July 16 Cape Newenham; Aug.
5 Sledge I.; Sept. 10-16 Norton Sd, E. of Cape Derby and Cape Denbigh,
and N.E. of these points; Oct. 2-26 Samganuda harbour, Unalaska I. An
account of the journey is published under the title »Troisieme Voyage
de COOK» (Paris 1785) (with many translations and editions).
1790-91. Merck,
Carl, and Main, John, accompanied BILLINGS on
his journey in the ship Slava Rossie. Collections in Leningrad. The following
places were visited: In 1790 June 14-24 Unalaska; July 6 Semidi Is; July
10-17 Kodiak; July-Aug. 10 Prince William Sd. In