1905.   Rader, F. E., Mrs., collected about 75 plants near Rampart.   Specimens in Nat. Herb., Washington.
        1905.   Olson, Ole, collected a few plants, now in Dudley Herb., at Bristol Bay.
        1906.    Hansen, Godfred, of the Royal Danish Navy, and Lindström, A. H., steward, took part in the Gjøa Expedition under Capt. R. AMUNDSEN.  HANSEN collected a few plants, which are now in Copenhagen, at King Pt in June-July 1906.  LINDSTROM, who did most of the botanical collecting, obtained a set, now in Oslo, from the same place.  A list of the species collected by the Gjøa expedition is published by OSTENFELD (Vidensk. Selsk., Biol. Meddel. 6: 3, Københ. 1926).
        1907-1908.   Heller, Edmund, director of the Fleischhacker Zoolog. Park, and Stephens, Kate, Mrs., of San Diego, took part in the Alexander Expedition to S.E. Alaska in 1907-1908.  A set of about 600 plants was obtained, which is now in Univ. of Calif., with duplicates in Nat. Herb., Washington.  Mrs. STEPHENS, who took part in the 1907 expedition, also collected mosses, which were sent to Kew.  Mr. HELLER took part in the 1908 expedition.    In 1907 the following places were visited: April 14-16 Juneau; April 17 Windfall Hbr, Admiralty I.; May 19-June 10 Mole Hbr (Alexander, Beaver and Hasselborg Lakes); June 11-20 Red Bluff Bay (Baranof I.); June 21-26 5 miles E. of Hoonah (Chichagof I.); June 27-July 20 Glacier Bay; July 20-25 Idaho Inlet (Chichagof I.); July 25-Aug. 1 Port Fredrick; Aug. 1-9 Hawk Inlet (Admiralty I.); Aug. 12-20 Radman Bay; Aug. 21-27 Bear Bay; Sept. 3-4 Thomas Bay; Sept. 10-17 Helm Bay. In 1908 the following places were visited: June 7-15 Cordova; June 16-24 Hawkins I.; June 24-July 4 Hinchinbrook I.; July 4-12 Zaikof Bay, Montague I.; July 12-14 Green I.; July 15-22 Latouche; July 22-Aug. 1 Hanning Bay, Montague I.; Aug. 2-4 Hoodoo I.; Aug. 4-9 Latouche; Aug. 9-12 Knight I.; Aug. 12-21 Port Nell Juan; Aug. 22-29 Knight I.; Aug. 29-Sept. 1 Chenega I.; Sept. 1-6 Disc. I.; Sept. 6-9 Naked I., Story I.; Sept. 9-12 Ellamar; Sept. 12-17 Shoop Bay, Valdez Inlet; Sept. 17-21 Valdez and Thompson’s Pass.   A report of the expedition was published in Univ. Calif. Publ. Zoology 1909 vol. 5 No. 2.
        1907.   Black, Fred F., lieutenant, collected about 60 specimens in June and July in the Alaska Range along Delta R. (approx. between the present places McCallum and Rapids).  Specimens in Nat. Herb., Washington.


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