
2. June 6, 2007. Two budding plants after
stemm elongation.

3. June 6, 2007. A different view of the
plants in photo 2.

4. June 6, 2007. Base of the plants in
photos 2 and 3.

5. June 22, 2008. Terminal cluster in bud
along with the upper leaves.

6. June 6, 2007. Close-up of another terminal
cluster in bud.

7. June 21, 2009. Close-up of a terminal
cluster just beginning to bloom.

8. July 11, 2009. Cluster in late bloom
Note the capsules and pubescence at the
stem node.

9. July 11, 2009. Blooming cluster.

10. June 8, 2007. Another blooming cluster.
Note that the anthers are at various stages.

11. June 8, 2007. Slightly different view
ot the cluster in photo 10.
12. May 19, 2012. Two sprouting plants.

13. May 21, 2012. The two plants
in photo 12 removed from soil.

14. May 21, 2012.

15. June 17, 2012. A plant in bloom.

16. June 17, 2012. Upper portion of the
plant in photo 15. Note the secondary
blossoms on pedicels arising from the axils
of the upper stem leaves.
According to Hultén the capitate
inflorescence expands into a diffuse
panicle in fruit.
This may be occurring in photo 16, in
which case the upper secondary blossoms
are arising from the axils of bracts.

17. June 17, 2012. Lower section of
the plant in photos 15 and 16.

18. July 8, 2012. Inflorescence in seed.

19. June 29, 2013. Insects attacking a
a valerian stem.
Photos 1-4, 6, 7, 10 and 11-19
taken south of Central
65° 33.84' N, 144° 48.46' W
Elev. 950 ft.
Photo 5 taken between mileposts 1 and 2
on the Pinnell Mountain trail.
Elev. approximately 3900 ft.
Photos 8 and 9 taken in a ravine near
Twelvemile Summit.
65° 23.6' N, 145° 58.8' W
Elev. 2950 ft.