1. Mid May. A stem bud.

2. Mid-May Similar to photo 1 but at a
later stage.

3. Early June. A flower bud with ovary
behind sepals.

4. Early June. A view of the backs of a bud
and a blossom.

5. Late June. Close-up of a bud later in the year.
Note the red color of the stem, ovary and
sepals. Also note the hairs on the sepals.

6. Early June. Blossom just after opening.

7. Early June. Another blossom, a bit farther along.

8. Late June. A blossom with pollen on
the anthers. Note how the wide petals overlap.

9. Early June. A fully open blossom.
The anthers have performed their duty.

10. Early July. A bush with fading blossoms
and developing hips.

11. A hip with sepals and other remains
drying out.

12. A bush with many hips of varying
shape. Note the prickles.

13. Late September. Mature hips after a
few frosts.

14. Early September. A squashed hip with
seeds exposed.

15. Late August. Young plants with leaves
in fall color.

16. Early September. An odd-pinnate leaf
with 5 leaflets in fall color.

17. Late June. Rose rust infestation caused by
a fungus of the genus Phragmidium. Probably
P. mucronatum

18. Early July. an infestation similar to
the one in photo 17 but more widespread.
Good view of rose spines
rothe prickles.

19. Late June. An insect gall .

20. Late June. Spiny rose galls caused by a
chalcidoid gall wasp of the genus Diplolepis

21. Late May. Remains of galls from a
previous year.

22. June 27, 2010. Very young plant just
sprouting. There were no canes from a previous
Photos 1 and 2 taken south of Central
65° 33.84' N, 144° 48.46' W
Elev. 950 ft.
Photos 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 14 taken
along Portage Creek Road between
1 mile and 4 mile.
Photos 5 and 15 taken along the
right limit of upper Half Dollar Creek.
65° 25.51' N, 144° 46.60' W
Elev. 2000 ft.
Photos 8, 10, 11, 17, 18 and 21
taken along Upper Bottom
Dollar Road.
65° 25' N, 144° 49' W
Elev.1900- 2000 ft.
Photo 12 taken at 3 mile Portage
Creek Road.
65° 27' N, 144° 38' W
Elev.1300 ft.
Photo 14 taken on the
granite tors along Bottom Dollar Creek
above the confluence with Half Dollar Creek.
65° 25.23' N, 144° 48.43' W
Elev. 1900 ft.
Photo 16 taken at 5 mile
Portage Creek road.
65° 26.29' N, 144° 41.10' W
Elev. 1800 ft.
Photos 19 and 20 taken on the swamp
between Seventeenmile Slough and
the Birch Creek Pingo.
65° 42.290' N, 144° 17.510' W
Elev. 700 ft.
Photo 22 taken by the lake within
the Birch Creek Pingo
65° 42.246' N, 144° 23.664' W
Elev. 700 ft .