1. All photos taken in mid-July.
Front view of a blossom.

2. Side view of the blossom in photo 1.

3. A portion of a mat with a blossom
and seed heads at various stages.

4. Perfectly round mats are common
along the Koyukuk River.

5. Partially developed seed head.
This is typical of Dryas.
6. July 2, 2009. Close-up frontal view
of a flower head.
7. July 2, 2009. Exposed portion of a plant.

8. July 2, 2009. Close-up of leaves.

9. July 2, 2009. Another partially
developed seed head.

10. July 2, 2009. Matted plants surrounded by
water dunes. Note that the stems are
elongated in the blooming plants.
Photos 1, 2 and 5 taken along the
Middle Fork of the Koyukuk River
south of Coldfoot Alaska opposite
the mouth of Twelvemile Creek.
67° 10.7' N, 150° 20.4' W
Elev. 950 ft.
Photos 3 and 4 taken in the Marion
Creek campground north of Coldfoot.
67° 19.1' N, 150° 9.5' W
Elev. 1100 ft.