2. Mid-May. Young plant.

3. Late June. Several budding plants.

4. Late June.Closer view of the upper portion
of one of the plants in photo 3.

5. Mid- July. Top of a raceme which is
beginning to bloom. Note the green stem.

6. Mid-July. Top of a raceme in full bloom.
Note the change in stem color from top
to bottom.

7. Mid-July. Close-up view of the top
of another raceme. Again note the
stem color.

8. Mid July. Raceme with blossoms at
the top and developing capsules below.

9. Late June. A blooming roadeside plant
with a purple stem.

10. Late June. Lower section of the plant
in photo 9.

11. Late June. Middle section of the plant.

12. Late June. Upper section of the plant.
A color meter shows a transition to grey
at the upper end of the stem.

13. Early August. Upper end of a raceme
with well developed capsules.

14. Mid-May. Raceme with capsules
from the previous year.
15. July 24, 2009. Blossoms and capsules at
various stages.

16. June 16, 2009. Budding terminal
raceme and upper leaves.

17. June 16, 2009. Budding plant with
remains of last year's stems below.
Photos 1 and 9-12 taken along the
Steese Highway near Quartz Creek.
65° 36.951' N, 144° 29.333' W
Elev. 800 ft.
Photos 2 and 13-17 taken on the
granite tors along Bottom Dollar Creek
above the confluence with Half Dollar Creek.
65° 25.23' N, 144° 48.43' W
Elev. 1900 ft.
Photos 3-8 taken along Lower Bottom
Dollar Road
65° 25.8' N, 144° 48.6' W
Elev. 1900 ft.