2. Late June. Stem with spike in bud with
basal and stem leaves.

3. Late June. Stem of tall plant with a stem
leaf which appears to have a sheath.

4. Late June. Plant with long basal leaf.
Note the jointed stem.

5. Mid-June. Spike in full bloom with
black anthers.

6. Late June. A group of plants.
Note variation in shape of blossom cluster.

7. Late June. Stem with basal leaf, two
stem leaves and terminal spike.

8. Early July. Plants with buds and blossoms
at various stages. Note the broad basal leaf.

9. Late June. Several stems having elongated
terminal spikes with buds and blossoms at
various stages.

10. July 11, 2009. Inflorescence at the end
of its blooming period.

11. July 29, 2009. Inflorescence in seed.
12. June 8, 2010. Entire plant removed
from soil.
13. June 8, 2010. Upper leaf and flower
spike of plant in photo 12.

14. June 8, 2010. Base of plant in
photo 12.

15. May 30, 2010. Basal leaves and
lower stem.
Photos 6, 8 and 15 taken on Eagle Summit
at the Pinnell trailhead.
65° 29.085' N, 145° 24.987' W
Elev. 3650 ft.
Photo 10 taken on Eagle Summit on the
hillside across the Steese highway
from the Pinnell trailhead road.
65° 29.00' N, 145° 24.35' W
Elev. 3650 ft.
Photo 11 taken near
0.7 mile Pinnell Mountain Trail.
Latitude: N 65° 29' 4.228"
Longitude: W 145° 25' 53.119"
Altitude: 1173.79 m.
Photo 1 and 12-14 taken on the Central
side of Eagle Summit.
65° 30.08' N, 145° 22.84' W
Elev. 3700 ft.
Photos 2 and 4 taken near
5 mile Pinnell Mountain Trail.
65° 31.1' N, 145° 30.3' W
Elev. 4200 ft.
Photos 3, 7 and 9 taken on a mountain
4 miles southeast of Portage Summit.
65°24.394' N 144°37.192' W
Elev. 2700 ft.
Photo 5 taken taken on a ridge just east
of Eagle Summit.
65° 29.5' N, 145° 23.28' W
Elev. 3800 ft.