2. Late April. Leaves in winter color.

3. Late May. Green leaves with buds.

4. Mid-June. Buds with berries from the
previous year. Note the poor condition
of the leaves.

5. Mid-June. Slightly pink flower clusters
viewed in profile

6. Mid-June. Another cluster, again slightly
pink. Note the spots on the underside of
the leaf. These spots are characteristic of
the species.

7. Mid-June. Front view of a terminal
cluster of blossoms with a yellow cast
to the pink color.

8. Late June. Front view of a terminal
cluster of blossoms with very little color.

9. Early September. Berries of V. vitis-idaea
above left and Arctostaphylos uvi-ursi below

10. Early September. Ripe berries on plants
trailing over rocks.

11. Early September. Ripe clusters of berries.
2007 was a good berry year with most
blossoms in some areas producing a berry.
In 2008 with clouds and rain from mid-June
through August, normally good-producing
areas produced few berries.

12. Early September. Picked berries.

13. Spring leaves of various colors. |

14. May 13, 2009. Gray leaves with a
magenta cast.

15. April 28, 2009. Red leaves beginning to
turn color.
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