1. Late May. Darkened berries which have
wintered over from the previous year.

2. Late May. buds and leaves. The dark
spots on the leaves are common in the area.

3. Late May. Two blossom clusters.

4. Late May. A pink blossom cluster.

5. Late May. Leaves with a heavy
insect? infestation.

6. Early June. Large area of plants showing
the trailing nature of the species.

7. Early September. Ripe berries.

8. Mid-August. Close-up of ripening berries.

9. Early September. Close-up of ripe berries.
These are more flattened than most.
Top berries are large lingonberries.

10. Early September. Kinnikinnick berry on
the left and lingonberry on the right.
On average the more spherical lingonberry is
smaller and than the oblate berry of

11. Mid-September. Mealy kinnikinnick
berry crushed to show nutlets.

12. Late September. Trailing plant(s) showing
appearance of fall color.

13. Late September. Ripe berry with
leaves in fall color. |
1,2,4 and 6 taken along Upper Bottom
Dollar Road.
65° 25' N, 144° 49' W
Elev. 1900-2000 ft.
Photo 3 taken on the Ketchem Rocks.
A series of granite tors located
six miles south of Central, Alaska.
65° 29.1' N, 144° 45.2' W
Elev. 1300 ft.
Photo 5 taken on a hilltop
above Upper Bottom Dollar Creek
between St. Patrick's Creek and Nugget
Gulch (St. Patrick's Creek is labeled
as Nugget Gulch on the USGS map)
65° 26.01' N, 144° 49.90' W
Elev. 2600 ft.
Photos 7, 9 and 10 taken on hillside above
the granite tors near Bottom Dollar Creek.
65° 25.30' N, 144° 48.44' W
Elev. 2000 ft.
Photos 8, 11, 12 and 13 taken at 9.5 mile
Portage Creek Road.
65° 25.19' N 144° 48.20
Elev. 1900 ft. |