2. Late June. A group of plants in
the bud stage.

3. Early June. A group of plants with
buds and blossoms.

4. Early June. Similar to photo 3 but closer.

5. Early June. A pincushion in full bloom.
Loiseleuria procumbens in Background.

6. Late June. Similar to photo 5, again
with Loiseleuria procumbens.

7. Mid-June. Blossoms which have turned
pink with age

8. Profile view of blossoms in photo 7.

9. June 8, 2009. Close-up of the center
of a blossom showing the style and
the anthers.

10. July 11, 2009. A small group of plants
which have finished blooming.

11. July 29, 2009. Close-up view of
another group of plants.

12. April 28, 2009. A "pin-cushion" mat of
plants in winter garb.

13. April 28, 2009. Another small mat with
leaves beginning to turn red.

14. April 28, 2009. Another mat with red leaves
many of which will turn green.

15. July 29, 2009. A section of a bloomed-out
mat with red and green leaves and some kind
of infestation. |

16. June 10, 2013. Close-up of two blossoms.
One in top view, the other in profile.
17. June 10, 2014. Several blossoms. Some are
aging without turning pink.
Photos 1, 5 and 17 taken on Central
side of Eagle Summit.
65° 30.08' N, 145° 22.84' W
Elev. 3700 ft.
Photos 2 and 6 taken along the
Pinnell Mountain Trail between
mileposts 2 and 4.
Photos 3 and 4 taken 1.5 miles northeast
of Portage Summit.
65° 26.46' N, 144° 47.50' W
Elev. 2650 ft.
Photos 7 and 8 taken in the saddle between
Miller Fork of Eagle Creek and Miller Creek.
65° 28.647' N, 145° 21.883' W
Elev. 3802 ft.
Photo 9 Photo 8 taken on a ridge 1.3 miles north
of Mastodon Dome.
Latitude: N 65° 27' 12.922
Longitude: W 145° 20' 43.658
Altitude: 1242.06 m.
Photo 10 taken in a ravine west of
Twelvemile Summit.
65° 23.6' N, 145° 58.8' W
Elev. 2950 ft
Photo 11and 15 taken above the Pinnell
Mountain Trail near milepost 2.
Latitude: N 65° 29' 37.348
Longitude: W 145° 28' 10.675
Altitude: 1276.77 m
Photos 12-14 taken southwest of Eagle
Summit in the gravel pit
above the headwaters of Bates Creek.
65° 27.5' N, 145° 25.9' W
Elev. 3300 ft.