2. Late May. Cluster of plants.

3. Early June. Top view of single terminal

4. Early June. Top view of several clusters.
Anemone narcissiflora in background

5. Early June. Close-up of terminal cluster.

6. Late June. Side view of plant.
Something has eaten the leaves.
Good view of pubescence and flower

7. Early June. Side view of a
white terminal cluster.

8. Mid June. Top view of a cluster.

9. Late May. Plant in bud with one
blossom. Note the deeply cleft leaves.

10. Late May. another plant from
the same area with leaves less cleft.
Highly pubescent leaves and stem.

11. Late May. Numerous plants in an
area below a snowfield.

12. June 17, 2009. Close-up of a single
13 June 9, 2010. A cluster of purple-flowered
14. Another hairy young plant just beyond.
the bud stage

15. June 10, 2012. A young plant in bud.
Photos 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 11 taken on
Eagle Summit.
65° 30.1' N, 145° 22.7' W
Elev. 3600 ft.
Photos 2, 9, 10 and 12 taken beside
Upper Bottom Dollar Creek Road.
65° 25.4' N, 144° 49.4' W
Elev. 2000 ft.
Photo 6 taken along the Pinnell Mountain
Trail between mileposts 2 and 3.
Photo 8 taken in saddle between Baker
Gulch and the Left Fork of Mastodon Fork
of Eagle Creek.
65° 27.400' N, 145° 20.871' W
Elev. 3950 ft.
Photo 14 taken southwest of the mountain
listed by USGS as Eagle Summit.
Latitude: N 65° 28' 45.3"
Longitude: W 145° 24' 6.3"
Altitude: 1092 m
Photo 15 taken on the hillside above
Eagle creek (Berry Camp).
Latitude: N 65° 26' 38.223
Longitude: W 145° 25' 40.84
Altitude: 928.50 m.