2. Late May. Several narrow-leaved
budding plants.

3. Late May. A narrow-leaved plant
in late bud stage.

4. Close-up of plant in 3.

5. Early June. A budding plant with relatively
broad leaves.

6. Early June. A cluster of several
narrow-leaved Budding plants.

7. Late June. Broad Leaved cluster

8. Late June. Close-up of stem of a tall,
Broad-leaved plant.

9. Early June. Terminal cluster of

10. Closer view of same cluster as in 9,
with flowers turned to show
internal structure.

11. Mid -June. View of fertilized cluster
which had dropped from plant.

12. Early July. Rare white blossoms.

13. Late June. Nutlets after corolla has
dropped from the plant.

14. May 28, 2009 Top view of a budding plant.

15. May 28, 2009. Buds and blossoms.

16. May 28, 2009. Blossoms from below.

17. June 7, 2009 A cluster of plants
viewed from above.

18. May 28, 2009. Sprouting plants. |

19. May 28, 2009. Young plant with bud.

20. May 28, 2009. Budding plants.

21. June 7, 2009. Large-leaved plant.
Photos 1, 2, 6, 7, and 9-11 taken along
Bottom Dollar road.
65° 25.5' N, 144° 49.4' W
Elev. 2000 ft.
3 and 4 taken above Upper Bottom Dollar
Creek between St. Patrick's Creek and
Nugget Gulch (St. Patrick's Creek is labeled
as Nugget Gulch on the USGS map)
65° 26.01' N, 144° 49.90' W Elev. 2600 ft.
5. taken in Central.
Photos 8 and 13 taken Between 17-mile
slough and the larger Birch Creek pingo.
65° 42.299' N, 144° 23.372' W
Elev.700 ft.
Photo 12 taken near the smaller
Birch Creek pingo.
65° 42.49' N, 144° 24.12' W
Elev.750 ft.
Photos 14-16 taken on the section
line trail to the lake south of 134
mile Steese highway.
65° 35.8' N, 144° 36.74' W
Elev. 900 ft.
Photo 17 taken at approximately 138 mile
Steese highway.
Latitude: N 65° 36' 53.606"
Longitude: W 144° 29' 25.767"
Altitude: 246.75 m
Photo 18, 19, and 20 taken on the
southwest margin of the thaw lake
south of 124 mile Steese highway
65° 35.6' N, 144° 36.8' W
Elev. 900 ft.
Photo 21 taken at approximately 140
mile Steese highway.
Latitude: N 65° 38' 10.425"
Longitude: W 144° 26' 33.226"
Altitude: 226.07 m