1. Late May. This plant grows adjacent to a
glandulosa plant. The leaf in 5 and sprig in 6
are from this plant and the plant is shown
with fall colors in 18, and with the adjacent
glandulosa in 17

2. Early June. Close-up of plant in 1
showing the male catkins. Note the
presence of round leaves.

3. Early June. A more distant view of the same
plant showing the characteristic resin
glands on the multiple trunks

4. Early June. Close-up of 2.

5. Early June. Leaves from the four
species of birch in our area.

6. Late June. Ends of branches from
the four species of birch.

7. Late August. Turning color with nana
in the foreground

8. Late August. Tall shrub(s) with many trunks.
Shovel in picture is approximately 3 ft long.

9. Close-up of leaves in 8.

10. Photos 10-16 were taken in late August.
All are of parts of the same tree
shown in entirety in 11.

11. Neoalaskana on left, occidentalis on right
Note the change in the bark color on
the neoalaskana from bottom to top.

12. Closer view of occidentalis.

13. Closer view of 12.

14. Close-up of upper leaf in 13.

15. Underside of leaf.

16. Late August Section of a trunk in another area.

17. Early September. Occidentalis on left,
glandulosa on right, nana upper right.

18. Closer view of tree in 17.
Photos 1-6 and 17-18 taken at 8 mile
Portage Creek road.
65° 25.76' N, 144° 46.65' W
Elev. 2200 ft.
Photos 7-9 taken
near upper Half Dollar creek.
65° 25.6' N, 144° 45.7' W
Elev. 2150 ft.
Photos 10-15 taken at approximately
7.5 mile Portage Creek road.
65° 26.0' N, 144° 45.3' W
Elev. 2400 ft.
Photo 16 taken near portage summit.