2. Late June. A multi-stemmed plant

3. Late June. A terminal cluster just out of
the bud stage.

4. Late June. Terminal cluster with
prominent anthers. Blossoms at an
earlier stage below.

5. Early July. Terminal cluster again
again with anthers prominent. Stamens
appear to be stockier.

6. Late June. Multiple terminal clusters.
Blossoms at a later stage.

7. Early July. Profile view of blossoms.
Good view of flower bracts and hairy

8. Late June. Entire plant.

9 . Late June. Lower leaves and stems.

10. Late June. Woody rhizome and
petioles of basal leaves.

11. Mid-July. Disc flowers drying out.

12. Mid-August. Blossoms going to seed.

13. Mid-August. Dried flower heads with
one head seeded out.

14. Mid-August. Seeds from 13.

15. Mid-July Flower cluster with visitors.

16. Close-up of cluster in 15.

17. Mid-July. Top view of terminal
cluster with two species of butterflies.

18. June 21, 2010. Another cluster and another
species of butterfly.

19. Mid-July. Terminal Cluster with bee.

20. Another terminal cluster. Another bee.

21. 100% crop of 20.

22. Young plant with good view of basal leaves
Photos 1, 5 and 7 taken just west of
Twelvemile Summit.
65° 23.7' N, 145° 59.1' W
Elev. 3050 ft..
Photos 2, 3, 6 and 8-22 taken
along upper Bottom Dollar Road
65° 25' N, 144° 49' W
Elev. 2000 ft.
Photo 4 taken at 9.5 mile
Portage Creek Road.
65° 25.192' N 144° 48.197
Elev. 1900 ft.