1. Early July. Top view of terminal cluster.
Variety angustifolia

2. Early July. Side view of terminal cluster.
Variety angustifolia

3. Early July. Side view just out of bud stage.
Variety angustifolia

4. Early July. Going to seed.
Variety angustifolia

5. Early July. Entire plant.
Variety angustifolia

6. Early July. Lower plant section.
Variety angustifolia

7. Late June. Profile of plant in place.
Variety angustifolia

8. Late June. Terminal cluster in bud stage.
Variety angustifolia

9. Late June. A group of plants.
Variety yukonensis

10. Late June. Plant in bud.
Variety yukonensis

11. Early July. Plant in bloom
Variety yukonensis

12. July 11, 2009. An unusually tall plant for
Eagle summit.
possibly an intermediate form.

13. July 11, 2009. Profile view of variety

14. July 11, 2009. Top view of variety

15. July 11, 2009. Variety yukonensis
beginning to fade.

16. July 11, 2009. variety yukonensis.
with little color left.

17. July 29, 2009. variety yukonensis.
completely faded.
18. July 6, 2013. Several plants, a few in
bloom and a few in seed. Variety yukonensis.

19. July 6, 2013. Closeup profile view
of a single plant. Variety yukonensis.

20. Close-up from the top of a single
plant. Variety yukonensis.
Photos 1-8 taken in burn area
south of 134 mile Steese highway.
65° 35.817' N, 144° 36.729 W
Elev. 900 ft.
Photos 9-11 taken on Eagle summit.
65° 28.980' N, 145° 24.270' W
Elev. 3650 ft.
Photos 12, 16 and 18-20 taken on the Central
side of Eagle Summit.
65° 30.8' N, 145° 22.6' W
Elev. 3700 ft.
Photos 13-15 taken on Eagle Summit on the
hillside across the Steese highway
from the Pinnell trailhead road.
65° 29.00' N, 145° 24.35' W
Elev. 3650 ft.
Photo 16 taken above the Pinnell
Mountain Trail near milepost 2.
Latitude: N 65° 29' 37.348
Longitude: W 145° 28' 10.724
Altitude: 1276.77 m.