
1. May 23, 2008, sprouting plant.

2. June 7, 2007, bud just appearing.

3. June 7, 2007, plant with taproot.

4. June 7, 2007, plant with last year's remains.

5. June 11, 2006, buds with foliage.

6. June 11, 2006, buds with foliage.

7. June 24, 2007, umbel in full bloom.

8. June 25, 2008, bud opening.

9. June 25, 2008, bud opening.

10. July 15, 2008, umbels in different stages.

11. July 15, 2008, and more stages.

12. July 15, 2008, plant with buds

13. July 15, 2008, bud from plant in photo 12.

14. July 15, 2008, bud from another plant,
note variation.

15. August 12, 2007, yellowing seeded-out plant

16. August 12, 2007, seeded umbel.

17. August 12, 2007, individual seeds.

18. June 17, 2009. Side view of the top
of a budding plant.

19. June 17, 2009. Top view of the terminal
budding umbel in photo 18.

20. July 24, 2009. An umbel in full bloom.

21. July 24, 2009. Blooming and seeding umbels.

22. June 21, 2010. A single umbel just
past the bud stage.

23. June 27, 2010. High angle view
of a single plant with the main umbel
in full bloom.

24. June 27, 2010. The main umbel
from photo 23.

25. June 27, 2010. Close-up of the
umbel with visitor.

26. June 27, 2010. The woody vertical
caudex with two of the roots intact.

27. June 27, 2010. The caudex in photo
26, split to show internal structure.
1-6 and 8-22 taken along Upper Bottom
Dollar Road.
65° 25.2' N, 144° 48.5' W
Elev. 1900 ft..
Photo 7 taken Between Quartz and Jumpoff Creeks
65°37.509' N, 144°27.671' W
Elev. 746 ft.
Photos 22-25 taken between the two
Birch Creek pingos.
Latitude: N 65° 42' 26.903"
Longitude: W 144° 24' 4.548"
Altitude: 232.78 m.
Photos 26 and 27 taken within the
larger pingo.
Latitude: N 65° 42' 17.590"
Longitude: W 144° 23' 45.863"
Altitude: 222.68 m.